For Parents

Find important information about school policies and procedures in our Battery Park City School Family Handbook

Our elementary school Spanish classes created an English/Spanish Dictionary! Click on the picture to check It out! 

At PS/IS 276, we recognize that a collaborative relationship between home and school is important for successful learning. We have a variety of ways that we communicate about school.

Teachers have email accounts and communicate with families via email. As the teachers’ primary job is to educate children, they are not expected to reply to emails during the school day. As a general policy, teachers respond to parent emails within 2 school days. A reminder note in the signature line of all teacher emails will be consistent across the school: "Please allow 2 business days for teachers to respond to your e-mail. If you do not hear back within 2 business days, please re-send e-mail."

Because teachers do not check email during the school day, we do not alter dismissal plans via email or phone call without 24 hours notice.

Register or log in and go to the
My Account tab to update your contact information, pay for school supplies, sign up to be a Class Parent, participate in school events and more!

Set up an account to apply for Pre-K, kindergarten, middle schools, and high schools.

Pre-K and kindergarten applicants do not need an Account Creation code. Rising 6th and 9th graders will need an Account Creation Code that is unique to your child and cannot be shared with others. If you have more than one students applying this year, you will get an Account Creation Code for each child.  Codes are provided in a letter sent home from the NYDOE or through the school administration.

Get started by following these steps:

Sign in to see your child's recent test scores, attendance records, grades and much more.

Please contact the Parent Coordinator, Angie O'Reilly at, to set up an account.